This has got to be the most volatile subject for any conversation to hold. Probably the most sensitive human emotions, if not, then its got to be at least in the top 3 next to lust and envy. I've witnessed people become absolutely livid over the discussion of love. One of the things I notice most in my generation, through personal experience and bearing witness to the relationships of close friends, is that some of us tend to hurt the ones we love. Though not intentionally or even consciously at times, often the objects of our affection unwittingly become the targets of our defenses.
As humans, we all stand face to face with adversity in life. Some more often then others, some more intensely than others. As strong as we believe ourselves to be, by no choice of our own, we are affected by these experiences. More often then not, its the negative affects that seem to stick with us.
Speaking as a Native American, there are many scars that we carry from generation to generation. From genocide and assimilation in our great grandparents time, to alcoholism, domestic abuse and lack of identity in ours and our parents generations we all carry the effects of of these things. Many of us just don't realize it, even though they stare us in the face every day. They are the cause of the majority of distress and dis-ease in our lives.
We are constantly on the defensive and in turn disallowing ourselves trust and faith in one another and in life. We constantly worry that our partners are being unfaithful, or that someone is going to harm us. So much so that we never have a true allowance for love to exist in our lives. We unconsciously hold our partners responsible for the effects we carry from the wrongs done to us in the past. The lack of humility, forgiveness, compassion and responsibility we show towards others is often the result of something that they had no hand in creating.
Love in its truest form is selfless and unconditional, it expects nothing. It is in a constant state of recognition of the beauty and goodness in all people and situations it is directed towards. Above all life experiences, good and bad, remember this. Without it life is not lived.