One of the most compelling and potent of human modalities, yet one that all to often tends to so easily elude us. I question myself at times, why it is, that focus is so difficult to maintain even when you know what you're after. Is it that life has become so complex that it clouds our vision? Is it that we desire so much that we spread ourselves too thin amongst our endeavors? Has life become such a harsh reality that we clamber so desperately to cling to the slightest event of relief or pleasure, so much so that we lose sight of that which matters most to us? Or, is it something much more simple and human?
For myself it seems to be a simple matter of passion. If I'm not absolutely passionate about what I invest myself in, it becomes like pulling teeth, to see it through to the end. I feel that many times my lack of focus is just that, a lack of passion, therefore a lack of motivation.
I remember hearing someone say recently, "when you find yourself feeling in a state of dis-ease, worry, discouragement, etc. it is because your actions are somehow not allowing yourself to fulfill the perfect idea of who you truly are." In other words, you aren't in line with your passion, which in turn should tell you that there is something very wrong. You're not pursuing what you should be pursuing. You are not serving Your purpose.
In these moments, when it seems like all is lost, you are actually being presented with the truth of exactly what it is that you do not want, as a means to allow yourself to identify precisely what it is that you absolutely do desire. As one door closes to despair, another opens towards prosperity.
The next time you find yourself having trouble maintaining focus, take a moment to define for yourself what it is that you do and do not want. Maybe its not that you're incapable of focus, maybe your focus is just pointed in the wrong direction. Redirect it and you may just find what you've been missing. Its worked for me in phenomenal ways.
Food for thought, be blessed.
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