Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Angels in the waves of natures creation.


As we move in and out of life's events, acting and reacting, we maintain a certain awareness of our circumstances and moreover our emotions. Though it is an awareness, it is often a shallow form of it. There is a vital depth to our awareness that we often miss which leaves us consumed by the superficial goings on and oblivious to the deep reaching effects of our interactions. 

In our ability to create there is much power in our intention. In order to successfully and effectively create true well being, a deeper level of awareness towards our intentions must be cultivated. Most of us have little or no trouble identifying exactly what we want, but the intentions we form and carry in the pursuit of those wants often lack clarity. 

The effects of our creativity are tremendous even in the smallest instances and have the capability to produce detrimental results when intention lacks clarity. Just as waves and ripples on the surface of water, we may toss in a pebble for the mere satisfaction of watching the splash but inadvertently as the ripple travels across it will move a piece of drift wood or another stone which could change the course of a river, in time that river will carve out a canyon and so on. These are the things we disregard in our feverish pursuits of satisfaction. We constantly create similar movements in our own lives and the lives of our loved ones without clear intention and often without a thought as to what we might actually be creating.

 A cornerstone to success is being cognizant  of our motives and their reasoning. This allows us to proceed in a manner that generates proper focus and yields accomplishment. It is always good to know what you want, but it is equally imperative to know why you want it. Clear awareness of our wants and intentions keeps us from misguiding ourselves and others. Nobody likes being at the far end of the wrong path. Stay awake!



Experience is the best teacher, we all know this to be undeniably so. Of all the lessons learned those that were ingrained the deepest within us have often been those learned the hard way, through experience. Just as young people have many questions about the road ahead, as adults, we often have both regrets and wisdom from the road behind. As we become parents, leaders, teachers and caregivers, we form intentions and expectations for those who are the focus of our compassion. We often direct them to "do as we say, not as we do" knowing also that we should "lead by example". These two statements become somewhat paradoxical and confusing as they seem to contradict one another, yet they are equally important. Youth are quick to hold us accountable for our past actions and short comings and sometimes even quicker to make an excuse of the example we've set forth. The key factor missing in their comprehension is presence. Focusing on the example demonstrated in the moment. This present example is infinitely dynamic, always evolving, transforming and improving. Although it is a culmination of the flaws and successes alike, it is not defined only by one or the other.

A good way to comprehend this concept would be a reference to sculpture. In a sculptor's studio you'll find stone monoliths of all shapes and sizes, of differing degrees of completion. Some just solid untouched slabs of stone, others elegant and graceful depictions of humanity. As adults, our life is like the half finished masterpiece, formed and made permanent by experience. Some strokes of the chisel having been not as precise as others yet the flaws being compensated in subsequent strokes. A youth's life is equated to the untouched slab of stone, yet to be formed by the chisel of life's experience. A fresh and golden opportunity for greater perfection. A new journey where the pitfalls of the predecessors can be avoided and more outstanding accomplishments can be achieved. Our example should serve as a reference point upon which our followers can improve.

We all must understand that an example is not meant to be replicated, it is merely a foundation from which to improve upon and strive for greater things. Let us not only strive to be an example to others but to ourselves as well. Let us expect the same of ourselves as we expect of our children, students and proteges. If we expect success and wellness for them, let us be the embodiment of those exact qualities. If we expect them to earn degrees and climb mountains, let us stand proud at those summits as well. Let us move to evolve and improve our standing in each moment and be appreciative as those we lead follow suit.

Friday, January 7, 2011



In the daily operations of all our comings and goings it is easy to fall disciple to distraction. Though our efforts are of the best intention, often times we become so involved in the processes of our actions that we lose sight of our purpose, leaving our actions to result in shortcoming and failure. True, action is a necessity for progress, but it can become detrimental when it begins to supersede its purpose and intention. Any action without purpose is fertile ground for self defeat.

Every aspect of life is fundamentally about balancing dynamics, bringing symmetry to the dualities of life so that they merge into a singular force or process. Symmetry is all around us at all times. Whether it be the balance between the seasons, day and night, right and wrong, pride and humility, lack and excess etc. All that we find divinity and inspiration in, is a model of symmetry. In the infinite dynamic that is life as we know it, there is no peace or order without it.

Every hardship we face is a direct result of the imbalances we carry in relation to our actions and purpose. If we shift to build our lives upon a foundation of purpose, there is much more progress and fulfillment to be had. In looking toward an improved quality of life, a solid effort towards awareness and a firm focus upon maintaining symmetry generates miraculous ends and makes known new avenues toward success. Let us set our actions next in line after our intentions and let it all be led by purpose so that we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that better things are to come.

Thursday, January 6, 2011



In a recent training session, a group of our young participants were asked what they would like for Indian people to become. In response, one young man stated, "we need more famous Indian people". I questioned his reasons for his statement and he quickly responded, "sometimes when I talk with non-Indians they argue with me and tell me, if you guys are so important and special, where are all the cool and famous Indian people?".

The young man's statements sit heavy in my mind as I contemplate the social structures that influence and shape our young people's expectations. The role models, the music, the imagery, all play an immense part in the development of their character. As strenuous efforts are put forth within our communities to instill the traditional values of our people, our cultural heritage is constantly undermined by the gratification of fame and vanity perpetuated by mainstream society. This has been an enduring struggle ever since the beginning of social integration in this country. Early on, our ancestors experienced it as a direct federal initiative known as assimilation. Today it has taken new shape and form. A far throw from the values of our predecessors, it sits dangerously present in our communities residing at the root of many of our adversities. From communal and social hierarchies to ranks of bureaucracy, this delusion of fame and vanity is often mistaken for honor and prestige. A great shift in the dynamic of clarity of our people is sorely needed.

I do believe that as a people we need examples to look to. People that inspire hope and faith within us and elevate our expectations of self. In our want for more, however, let us not disregard those who are present that have become the embodiment of all that we hold dear and strive to be. Let us be appreciative by our own reasonings and not be swayed or determined by the ignorance of others. In the resonance of our people, our monuments are often of a different dynamic. They are not carved from minerals or metals. They stand as mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, teachers and mentors, community and spiritual leaders, our own children even. In their beautiful humility, they exist far above and beyond the reaches of fame and vanity. Yes my younger brother, we need more people who are of strong character, who have the ability to see clear. In every avenue and expanse of life, we need more of you...

A sincere thank you to the youth and youth advisors/advocates of the White River and surroungding communities and the White Mountain Apache Tribe for your strength and greatness. You are all greatly needed and appreciated. Blessings be with you all.

-Jeremy "Meta" Fields

Tuesday, January 4, 2011



In our efforts to create, we endeavor to mirror the divine. Through our expression and appreciation of it, inspiration is born as divine qualities within us are mirrored back to us through what we see, hear, smell, taste and feel. The immaculate beauty, the absolute perfection, the indomitable strength... these are reminders of who we are in our truest selves. We find them present in everything around us. 

The dynamic of life's journey shifts when we begin to understand our surroundings in this way. Inherently, we often understand ourselves to be hapless victims of circumstance, powerless in our receipt of whatever might come our way. When we understand that what we experience is a direct reflection of our character and our choices, conscious and unconscious, clarity is achieved. With this new found clarity we are now equipped with the means to maintain creative control of our lives. Our individual life experiences are only predetermined by the quality of our character and the resulting choices. 

The perfection you long for is much closer than it appears. All that you seek is already within you. Begin to know that what inspires you is, in all actuality, your own reflection. Aspire to build the quality of your character and endeavor to mirror the divine in your own life's workings and you will have known true worth and purpose. Truth be told, the objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.


In all of my 30 years on this beautiful Earth, I've had an immense passion and appreciation for my people. I remember those strong elders from my childhood, their welcoming smiles and words of wisdom. In all of their wise words, however, I've learned more from their actions and character. Always inspired by their example, these individuals set the tone for my life. Although it wasn't always easy to follow in their footsteps, even in my most trying moments, their lessons shown through. Today I consider myself fortunate as a result of those lessons, to frequent the social and professional circles surrounding me. I am blessed to work and build alongside phenomenal colleagues, mentors, students and community leaders.

In the spirit of education, I comprise one half of a leadership development firm founded upon integrity, passion, innovation, honesty, and inspiration. This monument to true progress, is of course, INSPIRE.MOTIVATE.LEAD. Founder, LeAndra Bitsie and myself are both a testament to the tremendous power of inspiration. Through our everyday example and the knowledge communicated in our leadership training sessions, we strive to provide an active catalyst for progress and well being. Our approach is fundamental but profound to say the least. There is a core element of life that is often overlooked but is the key to all success, the power of self.

In our endeavors, we service over 30 communities each year. Many of which we are fortunate to frequent as our mission is to provide not only progress, but longevity. We tailor our training curriculums to the respective needs and goals of each community or organization, providing comprehensive solution based strategies to students and professionals alike. Time and again we are humbled by the impact we are able to create. In the words of some of our participants, "your approach is incredibly refreshing and unique""you are providing a visible strength and giving our communities a concrete achievement towards success". We look forward with great anticipation to the opportunity to visit and work alongside your community in initiating positive movement.

Jeremy "Meta" Fields


More info:
Jeremy Fields - creator.catalyst@gmail.com

LeAndra Bitsie - lbitsie@hotmail.com


Ayesha Clark - artist - Ute Mountain Ute Tribe of Colorado


In this life we exist amongst an infinite multitude of friends, family, colleagues, even enemies. Our every experience is shaped by our relationships and interactions with these people. However, we are not merely victims of circumstance. Everything that we receive is by choice, it is our pride that makes us believe otherwise. In our experiences, the degree of elegance is determined ONLY by our will and the perfection of our own character. Character is what brings us strength as individuals. It is the very foundation of our personalities. It is our identity. Building strong character is the most important asset for one to develop for it makes us capable to stand alone in wellness in any situation. With strong character we are not easily swayed by others or outside forces and we are kept from regret.


Monday, January 3, 2011


"Manifest Destiny" was my debut full length album. It was released in late 2009. A sincere homage to the "golden era" of Hiphop. Produced by myself, Physics, DocVile, DeeJayChips and JBM, this album is a testament to the passion that each of us carry for the culture. If you are a connoisseur of quality music, I urge you to give it a good listen. I promise you will not be disappointed.  -Meta



       Throughout the many opportunities to travel and work amongst our beautiful people I find myself fortunate to converse with such a broad range of individuals young and old from all different walks of life. Youth and elders from different regions, ethnicities, tribes, social & economic circumstances, all with their unique understandings and methodologies towards life. 
       In moments like now I sit back and marvel at the diversity and versatility of our Native communities. I think about the resilience we possess and our ability to generate progress even against all odds, letting  the past be past and making way for greater things. 
    Traveling from community to community and witnessing the humble strength and tenacity of our young folks, I see the fruition of all the many songs, prayers and intentions that our past generations put forth. Here in 2011, a decade into this new millennium, the same deep rooted pride that put those many songs and prayers into motion still pulses vigorously through the lives of the people and continues to increase in strength and momentum.
        In the coming spring season, thirst for life is revitalized and ambitions are renewed. Our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, our grandchildren will mark milestone achievements in their lives as they move to graduate from their respective schools and universities and more importantly, personal schools of thought. These milestones mark tremendous transformations through life experience as their minds and spirits are prepared for the next great endeavor. Though they have carried themselves through the many challenges faced, they did so with the continued prayers and support of loved ones and communities.
       As we all continue forward, let's recognize the collective spirit within us all that is epitomized through the constant fulfillment of those original songs, prayers and intentions. Continue to encourage the creator within your loved ones, your young folks, your students. The greatest gift you can ever give to a young person is to nurture their creative abilities and support their ambitions, helping them to understand that as they make good choices and create well being for themselves, they do the same for their people. 
       To all those in pursuit of progress I humble myself to your ambition, drive, and determination. To all  in support of those pursuing and creating progress, I'm grateful and honored to recognize you. To all my people, always look to the good nature in all things. May your every thought and movement be blessed in this time of rejuvenation.



In our beginnings our thoughts are hopeful as we prepare to embark on new journeys and endeavors. Although these thoughts are focused intently on the journey to come and the gleaming destination that lies beyond, all that determines its fulfillment exists here and now, in this moment. Every step along the way is a new beginning, a new and evolved foundation to build upon. As our experiences evolve and expand it is devotion that becomes the golden key to success. With devotion, we wield the lasting means to endure. Our devotion focuses our expectations, fuels our determination and sustains our enthusiasm. As we embrace our beginnings, let us not only be hopeful and optimistic for what might come, but also choose to devote ourselves to the successes that we inherently deserve. All to often we only hope for the fruition of our desires, very seldom do we elevate that hope to devotion. Thoughts and movements be blessed in this new year, this new day, in this new moment.



From the smallest to the largest creation, all have their deserved placement and purpose. Although seemingly insignificant amongst and in comparison to one another, in the grand scheme of life, all are equally vital. We all carry strength in infinitely different forms and fashions, in turn creating differing means to negotiate the creative process of life. Make no mistake, all of life experience is a creative process and should be managed as such. We alone hold creative control in our individual lives and have every capacity to create an ever evolving, constantly fulfilling masterpiece. This is our supreme purpose in life, individually and collectively. To create our own journey, fulfilling our ultimate potential in each passing moment. If you've ever been told that "just because" isn't a reason, know that you're living proof that it is. Thoughts and movements be blessed...carry on.


At times in my daily grind and operation I run head first into the seemingly unavoidable brick wall of frustration and proceed to beat my head against it, trying to find some clarity as to the cause. In the end it’s always a result of my own unconscious expectation. Occasionally, I find myself losing focus and hoping for the best but expecting the worst. The power of intention and expectation is a powerful catalyst. All success or failure depends upon its focus. Inherently, all situations, people, places, things, etc. are well and successful and would experience just that, if they would only allow it. Failure is the product of resistance. I’ve learned my greatest lesson on this subject from music. As a producer and MC, I spend countless hours in the mode of creation, composing and writing. Never once do I lose focus or faith within this arena. I find myself constantly inspired, appreciative, and in expectation of magnificence. As my fingers trigger the deep resonant knock of kick drums and the gritty snap of old funk snares, I have no doubt how lovely the Hammond B3 organ chord progressions that just materialized in the depths of my thoughts and are now traveling to my fingertips are about to sound. Even though I haven’t put pen to paper for the particular piece, please believe I’ve already got 3 perfect verses ready to spill. In any case, I’ve learned (well, still learning) to employ the same methodology to work in every other area of my life. Truth be told, we all have total creative control of our experiences through our power of expectation and intention.
Strive to release worry and anxiety of failure by focusing your expectations on perfection and success. Envelope yourself in the exhilaration of your creative process (and EVERYTHING is a creative process) and appreciate the magnificence of the moment that is before you.