Tuesday, January 18, 2011



Experience is the best teacher, we all know this to be undeniably so. Of all the lessons learned those that were ingrained the deepest within us have often been those learned the hard way, through experience. Just as young people have many questions about the road ahead, as adults, we often have both regrets and wisdom from the road behind. As we become parents, leaders, teachers and caregivers, we form intentions and expectations for those who are the focus of our compassion. We often direct them to "do as we say, not as we do" knowing also that we should "lead by example". These two statements become somewhat paradoxical and confusing as they seem to contradict one another, yet they are equally important. Youth are quick to hold us accountable for our past actions and short comings and sometimes even quicker to make an excuse of the example we've set forth. The key factor missing in their comprehension is presence. Focusing on the example demonstrated in the moment. This present example is infinitely dynamic, always evolving, transforming and improving. Although it is a culmination of the flaws and successes alike, it is not defined only by one or the other.

A good way to comprehend this concept would be a reference to sculpture. In a sculptor's studio you'll find stone monoliths of all shapes and sizes, of differing degrees of completion. Some just solid untouched slabs of stone, others elegant and graceful depictions of humanity. As adults, our life is like the half finished masterpiece, formed and made permanent by experience. Some strokes of the chisel having been not as precise as others yet the flaws being compensated in subsequent strokes. A youth's life is equated to the untouched slab of stone, yet to be formed by the chisel of life's experience. A fresh and golden opportunity for greater perfection. A new journey where the pitfalls of the predecessors can be avoided and more outstanding accomplishments can be achieved. Our example should serve as a reference point upon which our followers can improve.

We all must understand that an example is not meant to be replicated, it is merely a foundation from which to improve upon and strive for greater things. Let us not only strive to be an example to others but to ourselves as well. Let us expect the same of ourselves as we expect of our children, students and proteges. If we expect success and wellness for them, let us be the embodiment of those exact qualities. If we expect them to earn degrees and climb mountains, let us stand proud at those summits as well. Let us move to evolve and improve our standing in each moment and be appreciative as those we lead follow suit.

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