Friday, February 4, 2011



The supreme catalyst. The life giver. The purest of all actions. Existence. Without flow there is no means for dynamic, without dynamic how can there be life? What is experience without dynamic to create contrast? What is life without experience to create consciousness? Flow is the most fundamental action, the movement and transmutation of energy from potential to kinetic. At the root of all complex workings of life, there is a fundamental flow of well being. This wellspring is the original prayer, original intent.

All life extends from this primary stream of vitality. Some of us call it God, Tirawahat, Diiyin, Creator, divine spirit. Whatever the moniker, we are each the embodiment of this pure divine spirit and its inherent flow of well being. In the instances when we experience negativity, disease or adversity, it is because we are somehow holding ourselves in resistance to this flow. When we feel doubt, fear, worry or anything less than absolute faith in success and prosperity, we are resisting. This divine flow is what sparks our ambitions, fuels our passions and inspires us to our greatest achievements.

Throughout our days we've heard that we are our own worst enemy. This is never more true than in our relationship with this flow. Our egos are the source of all fears, doubts and every other form of resistance. It is a matter of fact that our ego's need for self importance is our greatest obstacle to prosperity. One of the greatest strengths that we can know is humility. Humility tames the ego and allows for the affluence of every quality of divine spirit in our lives.

Does it not sound fulfilling to be as vital and opulent as divine spirit? If I were to tell you that this is so, and always has been, would you believe me? This is the ultimate truth and it only requires your faith. Will you allow it to flow and be or will you hold yourself against the current of all that is good? I implore you to take some time and reflect upon how you've been allowing or disallowing this flow of well being through your experience. Know that your thoughts are absolute power and that more than any action, they determine your every success and failure. Allowance is the supreme act of faith. Faith is the clear knowledge of true self as divine spirit. As such, what is there for God, Tirawahat, Diiyin, Creator, your true self to question? Know self and come correct, greatness is, and has been waiting for you!

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